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Do you want the chance to work towards an Apprenticeship qualification?

There are many Apprenticeship Standards available to suit your career pathway and they are now available at the following levels:-

  • Intermediate (Level 2)

  • Advanced (Level 3)

  • Higher Apprenticeships (Levels 4 and 5)

  • Degree Apprenticeships (Level 6)

Why not visit the Institute of Apprenticeships Website to look at the range of standards that are available now and those that are in the process of being developed that you could access in the future:-

Want to give it a go? If so, please complete an Expression of Interest form (available on the Intranet or via Workforce Development). Once completed the Expression of Interest Form should be returned to Workforce Development who, along with the Senior Management Team, will make a decision as to whether your request can be approved. Please note that the full support of your manager is required, as decisions will be based not only on availability of funding but also in accordance with service needs and whether the course of study is deemed applicable to your job role.



Not ready to commit to an apprenticeship but would like to undertake some form of study programme! Why not consider a Distance Learning Course which will lead to an accredited Level 2 qualification.

Have a look below at what is available.

Falls Prevention Awareness

Care for Children and Young People

Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities

Management and Care of Diabetes

Common Health Conditions

Safe Handling of Medication

Dignity and Safeguarding

Equality and Diversity

Nutrition and Health

Infection Control

Understanding Autism

Information, Advice and Guidance

Dementia Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

Team Leading Knowledge

Care Planning

Retail Operations

Business Administration

Customer Service

NEW: Improving Personal Exercise, Health and Nutrition

Entry Criteria:-

Commitment to complete within 6 weeks

Applicant must be aged 19 or above EU/UK resident for last 3 years

Tel: (01472) 256731


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