Don't just take our word for it

This financial year has seen a lot of changes in relation to apprenticeships, in particular the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy and the changeover from apprenticeship frameworks to apprenticeship standards. NAViGO, working in partnership with Care Plus Group Employability Services, has embraced all the changes and continue to encourage staff members to apply for funding via the Apprenticeship Levy enabling them to undertake qualifications in support of their personal development.
As the new financial year commences, we would also like to take this opportunity to remind managers of some of the benefits of employing an apprentice:-
Hassle-free recruitment process
Support of Apprenticeship Development Officer throughout
No age limitations - age 16 to retirement
Opportunity to “grow your own”
Fill skills gaps and develop a skilled and motivated workforce
Don’t just take our word for it!
Look at what Jay Sadler, Operations Manager for Intermediate Care @ Home (CPG) has to say:-
“The benefit of apprentices is not just the here and now - it is about the future! We acknowledge what they can bring to us as an organisation and then we provide the tools, the support, mentoring and amazing training to enable them to become an employee fit for Care Plus.”
And what about the apprentices themselves!
Pictured on the left is Pauline Denniss. Pauline started her Health & Social Care career with Employability Services on a voluntary placement and was delighted when she was successful in gaining an apprenticeship within NAViGO. She worked hard to complete her qualification, following which she gained a substantive position within the organisation.
Amanda Thomas, Apprenticeship Development Officer who worked with Pauline throughout her placement and apprenticeship says, “The first time I met Pauline I knew she would be an asset to any employer. She already had a lot of skills and experience to offer and embraced the opportunity to learn more. Pauline’s manager says she is extremely fortunate to have Pauline as a member of her team”.